Archive for the 'Music' Category

3 Irrelevant Subjects Unless You Understand: Geass 19/Karoshi/J-Music

Friday, August 22nd, 2008
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First Irrelevant Subject UNLESS YOU KNOW: Code Geass R2 Ep.19

Infamous S1 Nina Scene

This episode just pissed me off all around. Not, legitimately “[you] pissed me off”, but pissed me off in the sense that I was into the episode -well, as much as I could get into it as I could be seeing how downhill Geass is heading, but I digress- and if it was real, I’d be pissed. Everyone overall sucked. LeDouche, being who he is, is generally annoying and no where even close to epic anymore, but I was on his side for this episode.

Everyone who betrayed him, pissed me off. No matter the means, the guy got you to where you were and of course you have to take some sacrifices. Of course, trying to play hero or something, he could’ve told them the truth but he’s one of those “take it as another chip on your shoulder” guys… Or he’s just stupid. I wouldn’t be too sad if he died, it’s just that everyone else sucked more than him this episode.


Another Project to Fail At?: AMVs

Monday, August 11th, 2008
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I had a magnificent time this weekend at Otakon -a post about that will come later- and one reason why it was so great was the time I spent watching AMVs. They were nothing short of spectacular… and I want to… try?

But I have no idea what the hell I’m doing. Help me out? Recommend me the right programs? If you know anything about doing all this, push me in the right direction. I want to move you like I was moved by this.

7 Anime openings that ROCK

Thursday, July 31st, 2008
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Taking pages out of Os and Newt, this blogger shares some of the animu world’s awesomest opening music evah.

Okay. Maybe not. But still, they rock.

Never mind the animation sequence. Sure, they are shiny, and they set the tone of the show. Forget that. We’re here to focus on the music tracks.

From bubble gum to punk, from instrumentals to alternative, anime openings are dime a dozen. Most are crap. A few are true gems. Some are forgettable competence. Some are catchy as hell. And then some are musical head-turners, pregnant with unidentified emotion, where one delves further to unlock its mysteries. This is not that list. With a notable exception, I listen to these tracks while I sit back, relax, and enjoy a cold bottle of beer. Think bars with live bands.

Mood and personalities direct our responses to otic preferences. What I enjoy listening while driving differs from the work playlist or from gym music. Keep in mind, what works for me may not work for you.

Tracks are listed in no particular order. More after the jump.
