Archive for the 'Honey and Clover' Category

Honey and Clover ep.02

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
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This episode was over before I knew it. To me, that’s a sign of a truly good show: You sit down to watch the show and get so lost in it that you lose track of time and even though it only felt like 8 minutes, it has actually been 20 and show’s over. It’s a good thing I have the entire series otherwise, it’d really kill me until the next episode. Unfortunately for shows today, none of those shows really get me that way anymore. Even Soul Eater, my favorite of this season isn’t like that despite how much I like it.

Quality hasn’t dropped either. Just. Just a wonderful show. [edit: upon re-read, this gets really “bloggy” so just a heads up]


Honey and Clover ep.01

Sunday, June 1st, 2008
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As I’ve said before, Honey and Clover is my favorite series of all time. Period. No ties for #1, it is undisputed. I was just glancing over the now filled out About page of ours and I noticed a lot of Honey and Clover’s under “Favorite Anime” and after reading maya’s little insert, I just felt the urge to revisit the anime.

Now I’m not going to do any recaps. Odds are, I’m guessing, if you’re reading this post, you’ve probably already seen the show yourself. If you want a recap, go to Memento. These are the only episode recaps that I’ve ever read in full and it’s like watching the episode all over again. Those really are amazing recaps. You may tell, the title of the post is sorta like an homage to Garten’s posts, too. I usually like flashier titles because without those, no one reads my posts and those types of titles attracts the eye. But for this show, I felt that the readers I want to attract are those who truly love this series and just want to relive it with me. Simple enough, just like the title. Me, I’m just gonna ramble what comes to my head as the episode progresses.
