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Anime Blogging Got Me An Internship!

Wednesday, May 14th, 2008
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I work for Maria-Sama now

I appologize as I interrupt the slew of intro posts to come but who would’ve thunk it, huh? I wrote a post a long time ago about how, as I was struggling through the IB exams and all that such nonsense (LOL, HIGH SCHOOL. nOStalgia, indeed), I just wanted to become an intern in the manga industry or just ANYTHING related to the passion that we all share. Unfortunately, all my old sites tend to just DIE and dissapear so I cant even link back to them (no cached pages either. All I have is this from when I was moving to Karoshi. Natsukashii~). Let’s skip to the future.

I’m now an academic sophmore in college and reality has hit me that I am no longer “the shit”. I went into college thinking that I’d be a dentist so I took the pre-med route. But the moment I took step into my Organic Chemistry class… I started to feel queasy. You know, the queasy you get when you’ve watched an episode of Wagaya no Oinari-sama and realize that she’s really a he (okay, I haven’t seen the show yet, but how many people who get the Gankutsuou reference if I made it? I hope this one makes sense). After much internal battle, I finally told my parents that I cant be the stereotypical Asian son they’ve always wanted and that I will be going into… Publishing.
